Fish are a fantastic choice of pet for so many reasons. They are space-saving, in that they have a fixed area of the room and you know where they are at all times! They don't require walking and they are cheaper to look after than other pets, without the big food costs and vet bills.


The oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, including tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, and marble cichlid.


Carp are various species of oily freshwater fish from the family Cyprinidae, a very large group of fish native to Europe and Asia.


A piranha or piraña , a member of family Serrasalmidae, or a member of the subfamily Serrasalminae within the tetra family.


Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named.

Gold severus

Heros severus, is a species of tropical freshwater cichlid native to the upper Orinoco and upper Rio Negro basins in South America.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

What is an aquarium fish feed

  What is an aquarium fish feed

Aquarium fish feed is plant or animal material intended for consumption by pet fish kept in aquariums or ponds. Fish foods normally contain macronutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary to keep captive fish in good health. Approximately 80% of fishkeeping hobbyists feed their fish exclusively prepared foods that most commonly are produced in flake, pellet or tablet form.Pelleted forms, some of which sink rapidly, are often used for larger fish or bottom feeding species such as loaches or catfish. Some fish foods also contain additives such as sex hormones or beta carotene to artificially enhance the color of ornamental fish.

There are two types of foods for fish,

                1. prepared foods 

                2. Live foods 

What are prepared foods

Prepared foods are those foods that are non-living and are made by the aquarist or bought already prepared for consumption for fish. 

What are Live foods,

Live fish food include earthworms, sludge worms, water fleas, bloodworms, and feeder fish. Food for larvae and young fish include infusoria (Protozoa and other microorganisms), newly hatched brine shrimp and microworms. These are the most preferred type of food for fishes, but are difficult to get. However, freeze dried forms of earthworms, tubifex etc. are available now

Prepared foods


Dry foods,

Flake food is a type of proprietary or artificially manufactured fish food consumed by a wide variety of tropical and saltwater fish and invertebrates. It is ideally suited to top dwellers and mid-water fish though numerous bottom dwelling species consume flake food once it has settled on the bottom. Flake food is baked to remove moisture, ensuring a longer shelf life.Generally the more moisture a particular example of fish food contains, the more readily it will deteriorate in quality. Dry foods are also available as pellets, sticks, tablets, granules, and wafers, manufactured to float or sink, depending on the species they are designed to feed.

Vacation food,

Vacation foods, also known as "food blocks" (or "weekend blocks" for smaller versions), are designed to be placed inside theaquarium to forgo feeding while the owner is absent. These blocks release small amounts of food as they dissolve. Food blocks can be a good choice for smaller tropical fish, but can pollute the water if the tank is neglected for too long.

Medicated fish food,

Medicated fish food is a safe and effective method to deliver medication to fish. One advantage is that medicated food does not contaminate the aquatic environment and also, unlike bath treatments, does not negatively affect fish, filtration and algae growth in the aquarium. The parasites will get treated spot on by medicated food, because the fish is ingesting it

Freeze-dried and frozen fish diets,

Freeze-dried and frozen fish foods were primarily developed for tropical and marine fish and are useful in providing variety to the diet or specialist feeding needs of some species.These include tubifex worms, mosquito larvae, bloodworms, water fleas along with brine shrimp.

Frozen fish food,

Perishable food can be preserved by frozen storage, and is often sold in blister packs or resealable packets. These can contain a variety of ingredients such as bloodworms, Daphnia, or brine shrimp, and are commonly used to feed such fish as Discus which require a high protein diet. Often fed on beef heart fish food within the aquaculture industry, the discus fish are not the only fish which can benefit from a high quality prepared frozen mixture such as beef heart, although by far these are the fish most associated with this particular frozen food.

Live foods 

Live fish food is a type of fish food that is fed to fish in its live form. It triggers instinctual feeding habits of fish. The movement of live food, such as a wiggling worm, makes it irresistible for even the pickiest feeders. 
While the majority of fish keepers feed exclusively dry aquarium fish food to their fish, professional breeders often incorporate live fish food as part of the fishes’ diet.
It is true that aquarium fish food that are manufactured by most leading brands are formulated to meet all of the basic nutritional requirements of fish. However, live fish food provides something that the dry pellet and flake food does not. Here are some benefits to live fish food, and reasons why they are necessary:
  • Fish that have been introduced from the wild are not accustomed to eating dry food. These fish will most likely require live food for a period of time. Some fish may beable to acclimate to dry feed and require live food indefinitely.
  • Newborn fry need to learn to eat dry food. However, when they see a small organism wiggling in front of them, they know it’s food by instinct. They chase after it and swallow it immediately.
  • Newborn fry of many fish species are extremely small. Due to their small size, they are mechanically limited in what they can eat. When finely crushed flake food is not small enough, live fish food may be necessary.
  • Adult fish that regularly eat dry feed may still need live fish food to breed. Even if the nutritional content is present in the pellet feed, sometimes they simply require the live food to convince them to breed.
  • Many live fish food contain a high percentage protein content, as well as other nutritional components. Due to the highest nutritional content retained in live foods, it is beneficial for various fish of different stages.
As a word of caution, live food can be a host to parasites, diseases, and contaminants. Only live food collected from a trusted source should be used. It is always better to cultivate your own live food when possible, since it can be better managed and controlled. In addition, cultivating your own live food is often more cost effective in the long term.
Live fish food include earthworms, sludge worms, water fleas, bloodworms, and feeder fish. Food for larvae and young fish include infusoria (Protozoa and other microorganisms), newly hatched brine shrimp and microworms. These are the most preferred type of food for fishes, but are difficult to get. However, freeze dried forms of earthworms, tubifex etc. are available now. 

How can we make our own live fish food, 

Mealworms can be kept alive for extended periods in trays filled with scraps and wheat bran along with a good lid, and glass shrimps can be kept in a well-aerated tank for several weeks. For smaller fish, daphnia and brineshrimp are ideal for breeding and raising at home.

Why we should use live fish food,

Prepared foods are definitely more convenient and less expensive. However, Live Fish Food has several advantages that prepared foods don’t

Zebra danios

Named for their striped bodies, zebra danios are tough fish.The perfect fish for beginners, the Zebra Danios is small and low maintenance fish. 

Live in, 

Native to the Ganges region in Eastern India, wild Zebra Danios are found in a variety of habitats, ranging from fast-moving streams to slow-moving, nearly stagnant ponds. In the homeaquarium, this member of the Cyprinidae family prefers a well-planted aquarium with large open swimming areas. 


The typical Zebra Danio size is around two to two and a half inches long. They are capable of reaching lengths of up to three inches. However, those instances are rare. Most specimens will stay small, making them a very popular nano fish. 


Genetic modification has led to an increase in the color variations of this species. By transplanting the genes of jellyfish, scientists have created Zebra Danios which glow in the dark under black light (Glo Morphs) and come in fluorescent red, blue, green, orange-yellow and purple forms. 


The core of their diet will be a good quality flake and you can occasionally use an algae-based flake food. You can also try to feed them fresh vegetables like Zucchini, Cucumber, shelled Peas and Spinach. Live foods like Daphnia and bloodworms can also be fed to Zebra Danios once a week as a treat. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Tetras 
  ● Barbs 
  ● Gouramis 
  ● Angelfish 
  ● Discus
  ● Guppies 
  ● Mollies 
  ● Platies 
  ● Swordtails 
  ● Rasboras 
  ● Loaches 
  ● Plecos 
  ● Catfish


The larger the tank, the larger you can expect swordtails to grow. The name comes from their sword-like tails, and these fish most often sport a red body with a black tail.

Live in,

Swordtails are a freshwater species in the Poeciliidae family. They are native to North and Central America, ranging from Mexico to Honduras. Here they live in rivers and streams with lots of plants.


Swordtail fish are average size freshwater species; males are typically slightly smaller than females (6.3 inches) and they reach 5.5 inches maximum.


Its colours vary. Caught from the wild, the body of the swordtail is generally olive green with yellow and red streaks along its two sides. The wild type of this fish is called Red Swordtail or Green Swordtail. For some very rare varieties, one would observe colourful and vibrant spots dotting the fins. 


Swordtail fish will accept a wide variety of foods. You can give them quality flake food or live foods like bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, or fruit flies, as they will eat virtually anything. Swordtail fish eat a lot of algae and other vegetation in their natural habitat. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Guppies 
  ● Platies 
  ● Mollies 
  ● Tetras 
  ● Rasboras 
  ● Gouramis 
  ● Rainbowfish 
  ● Danios 
  ● Angelfish 
  ● Plecos 
  ● Scavenger Catfish


Platy fish is a stunning freshwater fish that comes in numerous exotic colors. They are typically peaceful fish that thrives well in communities. 

Live in, 

Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a "sword" at the bottom of their tails. Both species are livebearers, similar to other fish of the family Poeciliidae, such as the guppy and molly. Platies are native to the east coast of Central America and southern Mexico.


Platies grow to around 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) in size, but dwarf platies (which have been selectively bred for their shorter body length) usually stay around 1 inch (2.5 cm). 


Colors seen in platys include:black,blue,brown,gold/yellow,green,red. 


Platy fish are not fussy eaters as long as you provide them with a diet which is high in vegetables. In their natural habitat, they eat small crustaceans, worms, insects and plants. They are considered omnivorous fish, but prefer a herbivorous diet. 

Tank mates, 

Small peaceful fish are the perfect tank companions, especially with species that are loosely related such as Mollies, Guppies or Swordtails. They also get along well with other similar size and temperament fish such as Corydoras, Tetras, Characins, Gouramis, small peaceful barbs and obviously other Platy Fish.

Neon tetras

Neon Tetra is a small, thin, and easy-to-care fish that’s ideal for new owners. 

Live in, 

The neon tetra is found in the western and northern Amazon basin in southeastern Colombia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil. It lives in waters with a temperature between 20 and 28 °C (68–82 °F) and pH 4–7.5. It has a preference for acidic blackwater streams, but also occurs in transparent clearwater streams. 


Neon tetras aren't big fish at all. They only grow to about 1.2 inches (3 centimeters).


The striking red, white, and blue combination makes the neon tetra one of the most popular of all aquarium fish. 


Neon tetras are omnivores and will accept most flake foods, if sufficiently small, but should also have some small foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, which can be stuck to the side of the aquarium, and micropellet food to supplement their diets. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Harlequin Rasboras 
  ● Zebra Danios 
  ● Hatchetfish 
  ● Guppies 
  ● Chili Rasboras 
  ● Dwarf Gourami

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Small and easygoing, Mollies are a great freshwater species that are easy to take care of. 

Live in, 

Mollies are mostly found from Southern United States down into Central America. The native habitat of these fish extends from the southern United States to the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, and they thrive mainly in freshwater environments, sometimes venturing into brackish estuaries. 


A full-grown molly fish will usually be around 3 inches or 7 cm long, the males, whereas the females are a bit larger and can grow to around 4 inches or 10 cm long. The molly fish will take around 3 to 4 months to grow to their full size, and in part, this will depend on their water conditions, diet, and more. 


Molly fish come in varieties of colors which derive from only 3 primitive colors: white, orange, and black. Many other color variations available in the market are: The Marble with its orange, black and yellow spots. The Red, which is orange but often has pink eyes. 


In the wild, mollies are omnivores and feed on small invertebrates, algae and plant matter. In the home aquarium, they should be fed a high quality flake food, and a variety of vegetables. One of the best prepared foods that you can feed them is Hikari Micro Wafers. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Guppy Fish. 
  ● Endlers. 
  ● Platy. Platy Fish. 
  ● Swordtail. 
  ● Neon Tetras. 
  ● Zebra Danio. 
  ● Minnows. 
  ● Corydora


Guppies are another fish species that makes perfect pets for beginners. They’re extremely easy to care for, but tend to breed with each other fast if the genders aren’t separated. 

Live in, 

Brazil, Jamaica, Antigua, Barbados, Venezuela, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are all places where wild guppies are found. They can live in freshwater as well as brackish water.Guppies are native to the warm, tropical waters around South America. 


The size of guppies vary, but males are typically 1.5–3.5 cm (0.6–1.4 in) long, while females are 3–6 cm (1.2–2.4 in) long. 


The body and fin of these guppies are one solid color, and the most common colors include blues, yellows, and reds, although some blacks have also been found due to breeding. Although most albino guppies are solid-white in color, there are also albino guppies that are yellow and red. 


Guppies are omnivorous; they'll chow down on just about anything you give them. For fry, feed crumbled fish-food flakes, hard-boiled-egg yolk, and baby brine shrimp. Older guppies can survive on just fish food flakes, but they'll benefit from the addition of live foods two or three times a week. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Swordtails. 
  ● Platies. 
  ● Mollies. 
  ● Cory Catfish. 
  ● Honey Gouramis. 
  ● Harlequin Rasboras. 
  ● Cardinal Tetra. 
  ● Bristlenose Pleco

Cat fish

Catfish aren’t the most spectacular fish in a tank, but they serve an important purpose. These low-maintenance, bottom-dwelling fish consume algae growing in the tank, so they aid in keeping the tank clean. 

Live in, 

Habitat. In natural waters, channel catfish live in moderate to swiftly flowing streams, but they are also abundant in large reservoirs, lakes, ponds, and some sluggish streams. They are usually found where bottoms are sand, gravel, or rubble, in preference to mud bottoms.


Catfish grow continually; the larger the fish, the older it usually is. On average, channel catfish weigh between 2-7 pounds and measure 12 to 24 inches long. However, many grow much larger than this, with the record weighing 58 pounds and measuring 52 inches. 


The coloring of channel catfish is most often olive-brown to slate in color and even with shades of blue and grey at times on the sides. The underside or bellies of the fish are white or silvery-white. Typically there are numerous small black spots present but these may be absent in larger fish. 


Most species are omnivorous and consume a wide variety of foods, typical catfish eat things like other fish, invertebrates, aquatic plants and fish eggs. However, some catfish, such as some species in the family Loricariidae, specialize on strange foods, such as wood and algae. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Corys. 
  ● Danios. 
  ● Gouramis. 
  ● Guppies. 
  ● Loaches. 
  ● Mollies. 
  ● Platies

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Betta fish,also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is another popular freshwater choice for aquariums.

Live in, 

Betta splendens are native to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, where they live in ditches, rice paddies, shallow pools and slow moving streams.


They usually get to be around 2.25 to 2.5 inches (6 cm) in size as adults. 


Basic Betta colors are Blue, Red, Turquoise, Yellow, White, and Orange. 


Bettas are carnivorous fish that need lots of protein in their diet. In the wild, they will typically eat small meaty creatures such as worms, daphnia, bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and other fish. In captivity, a Betta's diet needs to be high in protein, meaning they need plenty of meat. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Cory catfish. 
  ● Neon and ember tetras. 
  ● Ghost shrimp. 
  ● African dwarf frogs. 
  ● Guppies. 
  ● Kuhli loaches.

Angel Fish

A member of the Cichlid family, Angelfish are popular freshwater fish and they are very beautiful. 

Live in, 

Angelfish are native to a large area of tropical South America, including much of the Amazon River system. In their natural habitat, they are found almost exclusively in quiet, slow moving water. In the wild they prefer dimly lit areas, under overhanging vegetation or among trees that have fallen into the river.


In general, Common Angelfish can be expected to reach a maximum length of 5 to 6 inches. However, all Angelfish are usually taller than they are long and Common Angels can be anywhere from 8 to 10 inches tall when fully mature. 


There are many variations of freshwater angelfish. Blue, black, silver, platinum, koi, and gold are just a few of the most common color variations. 


Angelfish will feed at the surface or mid-water, however, in nature they often forage along the bottom looking for worms and small crustaceans. They are omnivores and will thrive on Aqueon Tropical Flakes, Color Flakes, Tropical Granules and Shrimp Pellets. 

Tank mates,

  ● Boesemani Rainbow Fish 
  ● Corydoras Catfish 
  ● Dwarf Gourami 
  ● Praecox Rainbow Fish 
  ● Zebra Loaches 
  ● Platies 
  ● Mollies 
  ● Kribensis

Monday, June 21, 2021


Another cold-water fish, goldfish belong to the carp family. Because they enjoy cool water temperatures, keep goldfish in a separate tank from warm water fish.

 Live in,

Goldfish are a freshwater fish and like to live in water that is 50F to 76F. Many goldfish live in aquariums and small domesticated ponds, but some do live in the wild. In the wild they live in slow moving rivers, lakes, and ponds. 


When kept in small indoor aquariums, goldfish tend to stay about 1 inch (2.5 cm) to 2 inches (5.1 cm) long. Goldfish may grow larger if moved to bigger fish tanks, but they usually do not grow longer than 6 inches (15 cm). In outdoor ponds, and in the wild, goldfish can grow to about 14 inches (36 cm). 


Common goldfish come in a variety of colors including red, orange, blueish-grey, brown, yellow, white, and black. The most common variation is a shiny-orange, with the second most-common variation being a mix of white and red and orange and white. 


Goldfish are natural omnivores and in the wild they eat algae, plants, leaves, plant roots, insects, larvae, worms, snails, and even small fish. It's best to try to mimic what goldfish would eat in the wild. However, most aquarium goldfish do not have a varied diet. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Hillstream Loach 
  ● Brochis multiradiatus 
  ● Dojo Loach 
  ● Bristlenose Pleco 
  ● White Cloud Mountain Minnows 
  ● Ricefish 
  ● Hoplo Catfish 
  ● Variatus Platy