Fish are a fantastic choice of pet for so many reasons. They are space-saving, in that they have a fixed area of the room and you know where they are at all times! They don't require walking and they are cheaper to look after than other pets, without the big food costs and vet bills.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Zebra danios

Named for their striped bodies, zebra danios are tough fish.The perfect fish for beginners, the Zebra Danios is small and low maintenance fish. 

Live in, 

Native to the Ganges region in Eastern India, wild Zebra Danios are found in a variety of habitats, ranging from fast-moving streams to slow-moving, nearly stagnant ponds. In the homeaquarium, this member of the Cyprinidae family prefers a well-planted aquarium with large open swimming areas. 


The typical Zebra Danio size is around two to two and a half inches long. They are capable of reaching lengths of up to three inches. However, those instances are rare. Most specimens will stay small, making them a very popular nano fish. 


Genetic modification has led to an increase in the color variations of this species. By transplanting the genes of jellyfish, scientists have created Zebra Danios which glow in the dark under black light (Glo Morphs) and come in fluorescent red, blue, green, orange-yellow and purple forms. 


The core of their diet will be a good quality flake and you can occasionally use an algae-based flake food. You can also try to feed them fresh vegetables like Zucchini, Cucumber, shelled Peas and Spinach. Live foods like Daphnia and bloodworms can also be fed to Zebra Danios once a week as a treat. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Tetras 
  ● Barbs 
  ● Gouramis 
  ● Angelfish 
  ● Discus
  ● Guppies 
  ● Mollies 
  ● Platies 
  ● Swordtails 
  ● Rasboras 
  ● Loaches 
  ● Plecos 
  ● Catfish


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