Fish are a fantastic choice of pet for so many reasons. They are space-saving, in that they have a fixed area of the room and you know where they are at all times! They don't require walking and they are cheaper to look after than other pets, without the big food costs and vet bills.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cat fish

Catfish aren’t the most spectacular fish in a tank, but they serve an important purpose. These low-maintenance, bottom-dwelling fish consume algae growing in the tank, so they aid in keeping the tank clean. 

Live in, 

Habitat. In natural waters, channel catfish live in moderate to swiftly flowing streams, but they are also abundant in large reservoirs, lakes, ponds, and some sluggish streams. They are usually found where bottoms are sand, gravel, or rubble, in preference to mud bottoms.


Catfish grow continually; the larger the fish, the older it usually is. On average, channel catfish weigh between 2-7 pounds and measure 12 to 24 inches long. However, many grow much larger than this, with the record weighing 58 pounds and measuring 52 inches. 


The coloring of channel catfish is most often olive-brown to slate in color and even with shades of blue and grey at times on the sides. The underside or bellies of the fish are white or silvery-white. Typically there are numerous small black spots present but these may be absent in larger fish. 


Most species are omnivorous and consume a wide variety of foods, typical catfish eat things like other fish, invertebrates, aquatic plants and fish eggs. However, some catfish, such as some species in the family Loricariidae, specialize on strange foods, such as wood and algae. 

Tank mates, 

  ● Corys. 
  ● Danios. 
  ● Gouramis. 
  ● Guppies. 
  ● Loaches. 
  ● Mollies. 
  ● Platies


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